
HMCFanfic:TheAftermath +Ch.15+

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Howl's Moving Castle: The Aftermath


Chapter 15: In Which There is Another Invitation

Servants had begun to open wide terrace doors in the back, to let in the cool night air. Guests had taken to the gardens from the dance floor; in seek of more airy, private areas. The hall grew less crowded, but somehow, Sophie still couldn't catch sight of her host. Despite the cloistering heat, she shivered, and goose bumps still rippled across her skin as memories of the 'encounter' flitted in her mind. Her arms ached, as if they too felt Howl's loss like her heart did. (A/N Normally I'm not one to interject but lol soap opera?)

A brief idea flashed through her mind. What if she gave Calcifer her heart? That way, he could overcome Edward's hold with their bond, and he would be free again. No. Free to a degree…he would be bound to Sophie. And she would become a shallow, heartless creature (a vague point of her spell), and she still wouldn't have Howl. Would an ensorcelled old woman come to her rescue too?

Sophie stepped towards the edge of an opened terrace door, comforted by the cooling breeze. Her heart still beat frantically, thumping in her chest. Loose hairs fluttered on the periphery of her face. Annoyed with the heat, she pulled of her gloves that had begun to stick to her sweaty arms.

A quick survey of the darkened garden showed no Edward in sight, and she slumped against the door frame, a hand placed above her head. She felt the smooth wood, splinter-free, and her fingers curled. Even though it was light in her pocket, Sophie was highly aware of the glass vial, with its single hair. It was the best route, to make Howl the clause. She could handle being near him, as this night proved. She knew she'd see him, at some point, and it would be a good reminder. It would keep him from leaving her completely, which she did not want to happen. And since he was still bound to Calcifer in a way, Calcifer might be indirectly linked to the clause of the spell as well. Sorted.

Now Edward. The spell didn't require any part of him to be incorporated; she only had to concentrate on him in her mind. It was so very important that her interests turned to him, because she knew she couldn't handle him otherwise. Even thinking his name made her shudder, and a nauseous feeling floated at the small of her back, up to her throat. When he had placed his arm around her, she could barely restrain herself from swatting him, and running as far away as she could. She could feel his terrible, sickening aura now, and now these very thoughts were nearly making her faint. Sophie made a step forward, into the path of a breeze, and focused on its teasing pressure to relieve her incapacitating thoughts. Eyes closed, she hummed lightly under her breath

She'd nearly calmed herself completely down, when a light touch settled on her shoulder. With a screech, her eyes snapped open, and she tumbled backwards in fright, whacking into the door frame. Scowling, and rubbing a sore shoulder, she glanced up to see what had startled her from her reverie.

It was no surprise to see Edward's face carefully smiling at her. Sophie thought irritatedly that she should've just stood in a spot and waited, instead of attempting futile searches. Again, it was if he wanted to make her think she could never find him, but he could always find her. It was unnerving, and more than a little creepy.

She made to take a step back, but she was already fully against the door frame. Her shoulder twinged painfully.

"Ah, Miss Sophie, I apologize if I startled you?"

"No, not at all," she lied through gritted teeth, covered with a beatific smile. He was definitely worse than Mrs. Pentstemmons.

The look he gave her told her he knew otherwise, but she ignored it, carefully stepping away from the door, and patting down her skirts with one hand while her other clutched her gloves. In turn, Edward stepped back politely, giving room.

"I had so hoped as to claim you for a dance this evening, Miss Sophie." He bowed simply, extending his hand.

Oh boy.

Shuddering on the inside, she swallowed, and widened her smile, hastily slipping on her gloves. There was no way in all that was still rooting for her that she'd touch his skin. Not now, at least. Unlike most of his guests, the host had decided to go gloveless.

Smart, she thought grudgingly, but worse for me. He led her out onto the shining, sparsely populated marbled floor just as the musicians struck up a waltz.

Sophie took a deep breath, as her arm was raised with his and her other hand was lightly lifting her skirt from the floor. His touch was light around her waist, and she could barely feel the heat of his hand in hers. As he twirled her around the dance floor, she kept a focused gaze at the moving space over his shoulder, not daring to spare a glance into his eyes. Seemingly reposed, he politely complimented her dress, asked after her and her family's health, and vaguely commented on his party. Her responses were slightly breathless, from dancing, and were distant and simple. As she retreated into the safe recesses of her mind, she remembered dancing two more songs, and then being guided up some stairs, onto an open balcony, where the stars where dutifully and reverently pointed out. Crushed diamonds in a black and navy pool, glittering indifferently at that which was below them. Sophie stared, and her mind warped around them, falling like a falling star, being swallowed like Howl's heart was.


"Hm?" She turned to Edward, her vision blurred until it focused on his face, which was frowning slightly.

"Have you heard anything I said this past moment?"

Blushing slightly, feeling like she just had a test, failed, and was sent to her doom, she slowly shook her head. Her host sighed, and ruffled his hair lightly, a gesture so normal it surprised Sophie.

"I was wondering if you would like to come stay with myself and a few friends at my villa by the sea, to spend the rest of this lovely summer's end. It's not far, and I would be honored by your presence."

His smile reminded her of when they first met, and how it made her feel. Her disgust at herself was carefully hidden as she put a hand to her mouth in a thinking pose.

If she said no, her mind post-spell would regret it, and therefore do something stupid. If she said yes, she might seem too eager, and give the wrong impression. Although impressions weren't exactly important at this point if Edward wanted her/wanted to use her.

"I'm sorry, the stars are so lovely I couldn't help but stare at them."

Delay, delay, delay.

"Indeed they are. At the villa, the view is even more stunning, as it is far from any towns."

Far from any towns….oh gosh he could kill me out there…but that isn't his intention right?

She gulped.

And sighed.

Either way, she would end up going, spell-induced or not. And she'd rather make the decision while she still had her coherent mind.

"Well then, I can't wait to see them." She smiled, and nearly cried at how gorgeous and revolting his return smile was.

He leaned in closer, and she froze.

He was too close, so close, his chest nearly touching hers, and he was leaning in closer.

She froze.

He stopped, hesitating, at her lips, giving her the chance to move forward, or away.

She froze.


He gently pressed his lips to hers, leaned back, a triumphant look on his sleepy face.

She stared, wide eyed, and could've sworn she heard a heartbroken wail in the distance.

© 2010 - 2024 Charlie-sama
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CountrygalxHetalia's avatar
Awwwwwww :'(!! It's all so sad!!